dah pukul 4am skg, tp tak de mood nak tido.haishh.
maybe still terkejut news sal jonghyun.haha.
seriusly cam bom nuklear meletop tibe2 je, n banyak org mati,antaranye negare korea terutamanye, then jepun,china,MALAYSIA pun termasuk jugak, singapore,thailand,indonesia.
pendek kate, sume negare asia tenggare. barat pun ade jugak, maybe just terkene sipi2 je.=p
fyi, mati=fans yg bersedih pabile tahu si mamat jonghyun nih dah ade gf, baru reveal arinih.
tolong lah, jangan mati, please wake up, adeyhhh..
bak kate pepatah, "bersatu kite teguh, bercerai kite roboh".
so, janganlah nak roboh2kan lg..
ye, sy pun sedih, tp perluke nak sedih??we should be happy right??
seriously, sy berase sgt sedih about jonghyun n shin se kyung..
baru sebulan kapel, dah terkantoi everything..
and skg, riuh satu dunie sal bende niyh..cam berite gempar gituu..
my point of this story, is not bout him, but it is about life as an artist is really hard..
dahla nak kene entertain people 24 hours, penat kot..
and pantang ade salah sikit, siap lah nanti kene attack, dorang pun pressure gile jdnye..
tingkah laku sume nak kene jage lah, lau tidak nanti tak pasal2 kene bash..
haishh, they're just normal people, wants to have a normal life..
bg sy, sgt kesian if sape2 jd artist, kene tanggung beban yg agak besar..
niyh bout issue dating, just let them be like that..itu hak mereka..ade paham?adeyhh..
tp seriusly, i hope that i'll not be fated with any artist, or any famous people lahh..
tak nak!!bukannye aku berdreaming lebeyh weyh cakap dapat org camtuhhh..
but who knows right?all things that happen in this world are well planned by God..
please God, don't let it be.. it just, tak larat dah nak face prob yg macam nihh..
maksud sy, bukannye kite buat masalah pun, tp org lain yg buat masalah, tp pedih and sakitnye kite yg dapat!kite kene plg teruk!
so in jonghyun case, he and his partner leyh je lead a happy life,tp disebabkan fans, hidop dorang pun cam tak brape happy..
i really KNOW SO WELL that feeling..sakit, yes, sakit yg amat..
bile prob bukan sebab dibuat oleh diri sendiri, tp org lain yg bikin prob, kite kene effect nye jugak, tak payah cakaplaa..take times weyh nak fully recover..
bende niyh timbul sebab isu "penting diri sendiri".
maybe prob aku tak same cam jonghyun, memang sgt tak same, tp the "item" that lead those things to happen lah yg same..selfish, once again i repeat it..
seriusly, i really pity that girl, she is innocent, doesn't do anything wrong, suddenly people bash her just like that..
i'm crying right now writing this, cuz i know, it's really hurt when people just bashing like that to u, n moreover, when they start to do the cruel things to u..
until one moment, u'll said to urself.."why is this happening to me?am i being so bad in my life just now?"
u'll just keep asking that quest to urself, eventhough u know the real answer, but the situation is making like u're the one that cause the messy.
hmm, i don't know how will that girl handle that situation..hope she'll be fine, nothing bad happens to her..
cuz, it's hard for me to settle down my prob..
please, i don't want to be involve in those kinds of 'incidents' anymore..
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