aku heppy yg amat ngan life aku skg..
sebab ape? sebab sem nih sgt berbeza ngan sem aku yg lepas2..
aku rase bebas n happy sgt sem niyhh..
fyi, it's almost 8months i'm being a single lady.. not yet lady, girl.hakhak =p
actually, i'm very happy for being single..errr..haha..but it's true..
dah malas nak memikir macam2 masalah..
dan please lah, probs yg pernah jd sem lepas, please jgn jd lg sem nih..
i'm happy with my life now, ok!?please don't ruin it!
tp sem niyh it seems like i'm so into korea..every single things bout korea!
ha, even skg aku ngah layan lagu korea sambil menulis kat cni..HAHA
i'm in a preparation to go there..even now i'm learning korean languages,
but i'm still a rookie tho'.HAHA takpe2, practice makes perfect. kueng3!
i'll go there someday, yes, i know i will. =)
errr, to some guys...
actually, i don't have any feelings yet to be friend with any guys, ok?
so hope you'll understand. =D
coz i really wanna focus on my dream or wish right now! =)
(even inbox aku skg pun pnuh ngan mesej gagalz je.heh.. =P)
p/s : to mardhiah..weyh, tiket sushow 3 leyh tahan mahal..500..heh..
but we already promised to go there together on 26 March 2011..
coz we're bestfriend until death tear us apart..(10 tahun kot weyhh)
saranghaeyo.. (eiuwwwwww)
sengaje letak pic nih..
aku dah gedik skg.macam dalam pic tuh.
mar,sila lah lempang aku laju2 skg.
sebenarnye nih dalam surau..
'COOL' gile kan aku?
aku dah gedik skg.macam dalam pic tuh.
mar,sila lah lempang aku laju2 skg.
sebenarnye nih dalam surau..
'COOL' gile kan aku?
saranghaeyo =)