have you ever felt..
entah, rasa kelakar pon ada jugak.
macam mimpi pon ada jugak.
ok, masa school dulu, aku ada crush kat few guys.
alaa, biasa lah, cintan2 monyet dulu2..
takkan korang tak de kot masa kat school dulu?
tipu mungkin? haha
ok, fyi, masa aku zaman school dulu, org gelar aku as 'nerd'' kot.
aku pon tak tau kenapa, nak kata aku pandai or tak berkawan ngan org,
rasanya aku dulu2 juara ponteng sekolah and also terkenal as malas buat homework.
tp ok what, aku still boleh catch up study pe?HAHA
erm, ok, nak dijadikan cerita, guys yg aku crush ni, semua aku tak pernah sembang or what.
pendek kata, entah dorang tau kewujudan aku ke tak nye.. iskkk
sampai la aku masuk u ni..
then tiba2 kat fb, aku boleh berjumpa semua kawan aku, termasuk org yg aku crush dulu2.
the unexpected thing is, dorang recognize aku?
so, terharu la sy? HAAHA
almost all of the guys yg pernah aku suka, terjumpa balik ok..
macam magik gitu? ok, bukan aku nak perasan aku famous,cantik or what.
tp aku rasa kelakar, yg tu je aku rasa.
tp tu lahh, macam sudah sedia maklum..
sy sekali pernah suka org, sy takkan suka org tu buat kali ke2.
i'm not tat kind of person, i don't like to look back..just looking forward,towards the future.
so, get what i mean by that? =p
ok, nak stop tulis, rasa geli.huishh
tp skg, sy..erm.. kat org yg pernah sy avoid dulu2 dikala beliau mahu berkawan dgn sy. and yg best, dia bukan kawan school sy? i really like bout that fact. =D
apple hairstyle
at last i've got a good news!

ok, aku sangat happy skg niyhh!
seriusly aku takot gila if tak dapat degree kat shah alam..
so, nampaknya aku boleh la nak menunaikan 'impian' aku tu, since aku ade kat shah alam.
ok, aku tau aku semangat. hah.
I'll back off so you can live better.
I’ll back off so you can live
Say it directly, looking at me
Say it looking into my eyes
Did you just say you wanted to break up?
Did you want to end it with me?
I Know.. You probably got a lady
I Know.. You probably got sick of me
Even though the tears are rushing to me
I’ll back off so you can live
That is all I can say
I’ll forget you so you can live better
So that you’ll be happy without me
The love that you tossed away, you can take it
Don’t even leave a trace behind and take it all
Don’t even say you’re sorry
Don’t worry about me
Your lips that told me that you were going to leave
Why does it give me a reason to be angry today?
I need to stop you, the words don’t go out
And you are already moving far apart
I know.. You will forget me
I know.. I will really hate you
Even though you know everything
You! The reason I lived
You! Were all I wanted
You! It was me who only looked at you
Why? Why are you leaving?
Why? Why are you tossing me away?
If you were going to be like this
Why did you love me in the first place?
Do you happen to remember that day?
That day when we first met
I still remember it
The promise you made to me
That you will only care for me
That you will only protect me
That you will only love me
I believed your lies, I believed it
Did you really love me?
I’ll forget you so you can live better
oh btw, this song makes me kind of "sentap".
that lyric, well, what can i say, it's kind of fit with me.
lets compare the scars, shall we?
ok, really2 big probs..
everyone's searching for me.. seeking for my help..
to be there with them no matter what happen..
but, it's really ok with me, i'm fine with them..
i'm glad that i can help them at least, kurangkan the burden on their shoulder..
tp, ade jugak sesetengah pihak aku tak mampu tolong, i'm sorry with that..i'm really sorry..
my bad.. =(
haha, tp ade 1 persamaan antara dorang semua..
nak tahu ape?
it's about my relationship with them..
honestly, dorang tak kenal lame pon aku.
mostly, just jumpe for 1,2 times only..tak pon, yg pernah gadoh lame gile ke, 5-6 years ok..
tupp2, dorang percayekan aku, n what amaze me, they're telling me the prob that they may never tell that to their friends, even the close one maybe..
that part, really.. i'm really touching with that part..
thanks for trusting me u guys.. please be strong no matter what happens k outside there..
if i can deal with very critical time of my life, so i bet u guys also can deal it with ur own probs k?
but hey, i'll always be there for u guys, i'll always lend my shoulder to you guys..
ouh, btw, i notice that, bout the guy that i like..
i think it's the best for me to bury my feeling..
cuz, it's already 'too little too late'..
so, we are meant to be friends only, i guess..
ouh n to u too..thanks for trusting me also..
dear hearts,
thanks for showing who you really are
i mean seriously, are you my friend? my bestfriend? lover memang tak lahhh
jauh panggang dr api.
ko cakap ko kawan aku, tp aku tak rase pon.
dulu ko yg terhegeh nak kawan ngan aku.
tp skg, nampaknye aku lak yg camtuh kan?
tp standard lah dulu kan, guys nak berkenalan ngan girls, mesti lah girls takkan layan sgt.
it takes time ok for girl to know them better, even as friends only ke..
tp skg, terbalik lakkk.
oih, aku cerite kat ko bende yg tak mungkin aku akan cerite kat org lain..
tp, ko sikit pon tak appreciate ape yg aku cerite..
ye, aku bodoh, bodoh sebab percayekan ko..
i think i like u know..
cuz, y i'm crying?
shit.damn it.
btw, i don't like guy who's smoking.
hell yeah, this is me.
i'm sorry.
and i'm not the type of girl that like flowers and teddy either
i like guys who always make me in a good mood, nice to me.
that's all. who knows how to appreciate me, by all means..
but when i said that i don't like boys with sweet words, it doesn't mean that the boy can talk whatever he wants, with such a rude word to me, especially in a misunderstanding situation.
the most important one's.
this time...
it seems like...
i'm missing you...
and i like you...
i used to call you friend for 1 year back then..
till now...
i didn't expect to call you more than that...
but now...
something feels not right...
in my mind...
my heart...
am i falling in love again? i hope not...
but you'll never ever find out about this...
i'm pretty damn good in hiding feelings...
"i sayang you as kawan, that's for sure"

seriously,it's pretty hectic out there.
event tho the event starts at 12 pm, but hundreds of people already in a line on 10 am onwards on that day as they didn't wanna miss a chance to grab the pass, including this owner of the pic, sab!
i felt so terrible, letting her doing what i'm supposed to do.
*deep apologize from the bottom of my heart, and i'll pay back the same thing in returns as requested by you. (buying ne-yo's tix.)
i guess on the day of concert, i'll have to skip my lecture class as it'll be held on thursday, and i've to go to stadium bukit jalil earlier than i've ever expected and GOT to be there before 3 pm, eventho' the concert starts at 8 pm. i dun wanna be at the back, as i hold the free standing pass!! everything is free! i swear that there will be a lot of people at that 3 pm time..pretty scary uh korean singer fans? >.<
oh btw, this thing was handled by digi n UMM, and on that day also, DIGI took a lot of pics.
surprisingly, Sab was also part of that picts! there was 2 picts of her! HAHA
lets see if you guys can find her, i'm not making up any story, it's true she's there.(already confirmed by her. =p)
my heart is kind of trembling
there's no beautiful words that can describe my feeling this moment!
thanks God, for making my wish come true, and plus, things are really go so smoothly, beyond my expectation.
can't wait for 13/1/11. =D
n thanks sab, u're forever, always, my dearest friend.. =)
yeah, i know, i'm completely engrossed with korean thingy, till at a point where i don't even bother at all what's happening around me. i don't wanna know bout that.
i love the fact that i'm a korean maniac now.
yeah, sometimes i know that, i'm kinda waste a lot of money, my precious time, for this korean thingy which might not be giving me any benefit at all in returns.
but, i love my life, i love this so-called-pathetic-life of mine.
i don't ever bother to waste a lot of money, doing any other useless things regarding this matter,
as that's only the remedy to get me away from remembering stupid moments or any hardships that i've to face last time. sucks. bullshit.that's all i can say..
but now..i miss my friends..
i really2 miss them...
just..leave me alone..