last night i had an extraordinary nightmare..
about a snake and a baby crocodile, if i'm not mistaken..
those things i found them in a big pot, which they are boiling to the max level..
the snake already has been peeled of its skin, and cut into small pieces..
same goes to the crocodile..
i can see the blood in the water, and the flesh of those animals in that pot..
can you guys imagine that?
just thinking of that, makes me sick..
but, there's something weird tho'..
it's like someone is want to cast a spell..
u know, the big pot, and then there's weird ingredients put into that pot..and there's white fumes created from it..
dun u think it's sound familiar, like we always see in the TVs?
hmmmm... just thinking of that makes me scares..
i dun want bad things to happen once again in my life,just like before...
i just love with this song's lyric.
it's so beautiful and awesome although the lyric is basically saying the sad words..
and the background music makes this song pretty amazing to hear..
in other words: THUMB'S UP!
"loving you is like having a beautiful wounds"
i'm thinking about you so much everyday,
my heart is hurting in all these sad days,
"i want to see you" is playing on my lips,
alone once again, crying for you..
alone once again, missing for you..
baby i love you, i'm waiting for you..
nice uh? =' )
this is roy. =p

dat guy : amar
seriusly lenguh pp lepak ngan budak2 ni kat kl,asek gelak je.klcc, ts, bb, sume redah je
hujan pun redah!semangat betul.HAHAHA
thanks for making my day! =D
(bile lagi bleh lepak camnihh.....sob..sob..)
mase dekat ts ade one chinese guy niy saye usha.
die taste sy!tp..dah ade gf..iskk..
tp die senyum dekat suke..HAHAHA
gf die tak cantik.errrrrrrr..
(ok, gedik gila sial tuh.huh.)
aku dah tak pandang laki melayu.
sangat serius.tak tahu lah nak jadi ape.
bukan demand, tp melayu not my taste for d time being now(ceh,same je cam demand.AGAGA)
hujan pun redah!semangat betul.HAHAHA
thanks for making my day! =D
(bile lagi bleh lepak camnihh.....sob..sob..)
mase dekat ts ade one chinese guy niy saye usha.
die taste sy!tp..dah ade gf..iskk..
tp die senyum dekat suke..HAHAHA
gf die tak cantik.errrrrrrr..
(ok, gedik gila sial tuh.huh.)
aku dah tak pandang laki melayu.
sangat serius.tak tahu lah nak jadi ape.
bukan demand, tp melayu not my taste for d time being now(ceh,same je cam demand.AGAGA)

ekspresi muke apabile teringat si die..
tp telah bertambah banyak lak 'si die'.
maafkan saye eyh Dong Hae..
sape suruh awak banyak kawan yg nsem2?kan sy dah TERminat.HAHAHA =p
ada org cakap pic neyh comeyh.bahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha
sape suruh puji.kan dah letak pic ni.ok, gile sebentar,haih
mar, pic nih khas untuk hang.lalala =p
(apsal nampak lain gila muke neyh?)

tp telah bertambah banyak lak 'si die'.
maafkan saye eyh Dong Hae..
sape suruh awak banyak kawan yg nsem2?kan sy dah TERminat.HAHAHA =p
ada org cakap pic neyh comeyh.bahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha
sape suruh puji.kan dah letak pic ni.ok, gile sebentar,haih
mar, pic nih khas untuk hang.lalala =p
(apsal nampak lain gila muke neyh?)

we'll meet soon. i promise.. =) love you. =D
(sengaje lagi letak pic nih.HAHA.mar,ni tak ditujukan untuk hang k.lalala)
(sengaje lagi letak pic nih.HAHA.mar,ni tak ditujukan untuk hang k.lalala)
y am i so0 obssessed with them?
ok.i like them so much.pliss come to msia.again.
(haritu tak dapat pergi.sday sial.menanges aku.
they not juz an ordinary boy bands like i used to know.
mane lah aku pernah layan boy bands camtuh, especially korea
selalu je kot aku kutuk.ha, amik ko.aku lak yg terOBSES lakk
cam terkena sumpahan lakkk..
tp dorang memang bes weh,sgt bes, u won't regret if u become one of their fans.
(vclip atas tuh tak tunjuk prangai dorang yg sebenar.dorang sgt GILA.SANGAT.SANGAT.dun judge d book by its cover.hahahaha)
sanggup weh aku beli tiket yg plg mahal, almost RM500, janji bleyh jumpe dorang
SERIUSLY NAK JUMPE!taun depan wajib!WAJIB PERGI!walau ape pon yg terjadi!huh!
pengaruh suju sgt kuat kat life change a lil bit bcoz of this laa
crazy ait?adeyaiii..but i dun care.i just soo in love with them..
thic vclip dedicated to someone dat i turn to hate him now eventhough i'm soo in love with him at first place.thanks for making me happy before diz.i really2 love the meaning of this song lyric. there's no more 'us'. end
four honeys
ok, sy paling CANTIK drpd mereka2.terime kasehh.
hazu n am,penat doh sy mengucapkan kate2 yg indah sewaktu kalian
menyucuk2 sy supaye dapat berkate2 dgn lebih cemerlang
(pendek kate, melatah.huh)
rase cam nak mati dah je.ok, tipu sgt sampai bleh mati.HAHA
btw seronok lepak same2, walaupon crite 4 madu tuh tak de la bes sgt.
am, secret recipe sedap dowwwwww.....ngehehehe
*apsal nampak berisi haa?camera trick d ctu.huh
i'm fully obssessed with him
i really like this guy.damn it.fully obses with him.ok, full stop.huh
ntah la sejak bile la ske laki yg betol2 asian look.tatau laa
seriusly i'm obsesses with him.omg.what's happening to me.
n, aku dah tak pandang LANGSONG orang yg tak de rupe cam org yg atas niy
i'm completely forget them, sape2 yg bergelar lelaki lahh.huh
bahye dah la tahap obses aku,aku tak layan langsong da kot kawan2 laki yg lain.
bukannye tak suke kawan, suke, tp ntahlaa.
aku tak kesah da ade bf ke tak.seriusly.if ade pun, ntah layan ke tak nye die tuh.HAHA
(ok, bile dah jadi obses, mule lar nak jd gile, n tulis pun makin mengarut,huh.k,bye)
dedicated to 'a guy'
what d'ya want from me?
pliss, dun disturb me anymore after dizz.
pliss, tolong faham i.
tolong avoid i.
i dah lame mati lam idop u, jangan kacau lagi.
pliss, jangan cari i dah lepas ni no matter what happen.
bagi i, u juz like my nightmare.faham tak? NIGHTMARE!
u ade col tetibe, it's very unexpected, then u're expecting dat i'll pick up ur col?
no.u're so wrong.
so,ape yg i tak fahamm..
what d'ya want from me?
i dah boleh lupekan mestilah u lagi boleh lupekan i.jgn cari lg. -end-
pliss, dun disturb me anymore after dizz.
pliss, tolong faham i.
tolong avoid i.
i dah lame mati lam idop u, jangan kacau lagi.
pliss, jangan cari i dah lepas ni no matter what happen.
bagi i, u juz like my nightmare.faham tak? NIGHTMARE!
u ade col tetibe, it's very unexpected, then u're expecting dat i'll pick up ur col?
no.u're so wrong.
so,ape yg i tak fahamm..
what d'ya want from me?
i dah boleh lupekan mestilah u lagi boleh lupekan i.jgn cari lg. -end-
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